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Parameter Plans & A29 Design

The outline application will be accompanied by a set of Parameter Plans that will create a structure to which future detailed proposals must conform. These will cover the matters of land use, building heights, landscape and green infrastructure, access and movement and character areas.  Reserved Matters applications would follow, after planning permission of the outline is granted, to cover the details of the development in terms of materials, landscaping, house types etc.

Emerging Land use Parameter Plan

Emerging Land use Parameter Plan
Click on the image above to see the full plan

Image of house

Land use


This plan shows where the key land uses will be on the site including residential plots for up to 1,250 homes including affordable homes and a care home.


A new mixed use neighbourhood centre will form a central hub of activity with a range of uses such as a community hall, café and shops, appropriately scaled to serve the new community without competing with existing shops in Barnham. Alongside the neighbourhood centre will be a primary school with nursery and Special Education Needs Provision with all homes within walking distance of the shops and school. In the east of the site next to Barnham Station, additional car parking is proposed for up to 200 spaces. 

Green Infrastructure

The Framework Masterplan requires a landscape-led design for the allocation and the application will implement this providing a rich variety of green space close to homes with 30 hectares of publicly accessible green space, a considerable uplift from the existing situation where the majority of land is private farmland with no public access.

The application will deliver the northern part of a new Linear Park. This will provide a biodiverse and habitat rich environment along the existing rife and recreation and leisure opportunities through play provision, new pedestrian routes and cycle links. Land for provision of a cricket pitch and small pavilion is accommodated within the Linear Park to the south of St George’s Church. This would contribute to the community uses on site whilst also being sensitive to the setting of the Grade II* listed church.

Green corridors will play an important role in connecting the residential land parcels to the Linear Park and will ensure that a settlement gap is maintained between the existing villages and the ‘New Neighbourhood’ area. A key feature of the Green Corridors is the ‘Green Link’ (see plan below) which will run to the south of Barnham Road and will provide a convenient connection between Eastergate and Barnham, away from Barnham Road.

A site-wide strategy for play will ensure dedicated destination play areas, local play areas and play trails to provide for a range of experiences for different age groups. All play provision will be of high quality, comprising natural materials where possible, and well located to ensure the spaces meet community needs and requirements.

Emerging Green Infrastructure Plan

Emerging Green Infrastructure Plan
Click on the image above to see the full plan

Character Areas


The development will be divided into two main character areas which respond to the existing site context, including buildings and landscape, and policy aspirations for the site allocation to create distinctive and legible character areas.


These are:


  • Mini-masterplan urban extension – positioned to the south of Barnham Road where the developed area will be adjacent to existing homes in Barnham and Eastergate and shown in the Framework Masterplan as an urban extension. 

  • New Neighbourhood – forms the area within the core of the site which is distinct and physically separated from the existing villages by generous green corridors. The New Neighbourhood area will be divided into three main character areas namely, ‘The Park Edge’ along the western boundary overlooking the Linear Park; ‘Active Clusters’ comprising four quadrants forming the core of the new settlement area; and ‘The Neighbourhood Spine’ which will be characterised by the prominent connection of the east-west link as well as the local centre.

As part of this consultation process, we would be interested in views from the local community on the local characters and features that existing residents would like to see reflected in the new development. Feedback on this will inform the reserved matters stages when details on materials and the appearance of specific homes and buildings will be provided. 

Building Heights


This plan will set out the maximum building heights for the built development. Variations in building heights help to allow a range of building types and design features such as way finding markers within the site. A mix of heights are proposed ranging from up to 2.5 storeys to up to 4 storeys across the site, with the exception of the new local centre in the middle of the site where up to 5 storeys is proposed.  

The majority of homes will be up to 2.5 storeys including those in the residential areas immediately south of Barnham Road closest to existing homes to correspond with the scale of existing buildings. Homes up to 3 storeys are proposed on the western edge of the residential parcels to help define the edge of the Linear Park. 

Laying Bricks



The main access route within the site will be via the new A29 realignment. The east-west link road across the site will form a secondary road corridor which will ultimately connect to the existing A29 when the adjacent land parcel comes forward. For further detail on the design of A29 realignment please click here. 

One of the key opportunities of the site is the ability to create a network of new pedestrian and cycle connections across the site as well as enhancing existing routes. These will fit into the wider Masterplan network of routes as other land parcels come forward and will also knit into the existing footpath network to actively encourage health and well-being for the existing and new communities. As part of this objective a well-being trail is proposed to encircle the site which will take advantage of the Linear Park. 

A29 Realignment

A29 Realignment

The Southern Consortium is delivering the second phase of the A29 realignment leading south from Barnham Road and re-connecting to the existing A29 south of the Lidsey Bends. This will include:


  • A bridge over the existing railway line.

  • A second bridge over the Lidsey Rife.

  • A westerly connection to the existing A29 south of the railway line. 

  • 4m wide segregated cycle way and footway either side of the road. 

  • At grade pedestrian and cycle crossings to allow permeability within the site and wider allocation, including the Green Link crossing over the A29.

  • Potential bus stops at appropriate distances.

Updated A29 Full Layout

Updated A29 Full Layout
Click on the image above to see the full plan
Please note this may take a few minutes to load.

The Green Link Crossing

The Green Link crossing will be designed to help pedestrian and cyclists cross the A29, as part of the new alternative route between Barnham and Eastergate.  The key features of the design are:

  • Maximum wait time of 90 seconds for pedestrian and cyclists. 


  • A sensitive landscape-led approach to ensure that the Link contributes to the green gap between the existing villages and new settlement.

  • A design which has the safety of the pedestrian and cyclists as its focus. 

  • Helps to encourage traffic calming on the new A29 whilst the technical design will also ensure that the crossing does not detrimentally disrupt traffic flows during peak times. 

Technical Assessments

The Parameter Plans and Design Principles which will set the framework for the development have been informed by technical studies to ensure all possible impacts of the development are identified and mitigated. A summary of the technical work undertaken to inform the application can be downloaded here:

Revewing Graphs
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