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Next Steps


The proposals for the development forming part of the Land at Barnham Eastergate and Westergate (BEW) allocation have now been submitted to Arun District Council.  


An outline planning application has been made for: the demolition of existing structures and mixed use development to provide residential dwellings, a care home/senior living accommodation, flexible retail and community floorspace, a primary school, plus associated open space, landscaping, drainage and all other associated ancillary works; and realignment of the A29 and early connection to existing A29, including construction of a new road carriageway, junctions and associated infrastructure. The application includes the land north of the railway line and the A29 realignment south of Barnham Road to the Lidsey bends.


Applications for outline planning permission seek to establish whether the scale and nature of a proposed development would be acceptable to the local planning authority, before a fully detailed proposal is put forward. This type of planning application allows fewer details about the proposal to be submitted. Once outline permission has been granted, approval of the details will be sought in reserved matters applications, to follow at a later stage.


The proposal represents a high quality residential led development that will unlock delivery of the wider allocation, by providing necessary infrastructure.


The application is available to view under reference BN/11/22/OUT on Arun District Council’s Planning Register, where you can comment on the proposals. The application documents are also available to view beow:

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