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Phasing and Infrastructure

The delivery of infrastructure as part of the development has been approached with the following principles:


  • Infrastructure should be provided in a timely way to mitigate the impact of the development; and

  • Each part of the site that comes forward for development will be as self-sufficient as possible, in terms of access, drainage etc, whilst delivering necessary strategic elements of infrastructure in a timely manner and not prejudicing the ability of the following phases to do the same.

The development is expected to be delivered over a number of years and an element of flexibility is needed to respond to changing circumstances over time. The phasing strategy for the scheme expects development to commence in the north with the first phase delivering residential parcels, the community centre, primary school and additional station car parking with associated green space. The second phase is expected to include the remaining residential parcel, land for the cricket pitch and Linear Park.

The delivery of the A29 will be informed by the ongoing transport modelling work and is currently expected to be delivered in sections alongside the residential parcels starting at the northern end, to the south of Barnham Road, working south towards the Lidsey Bends. The expectation is that all the homes in the application could be served by the Barnham Road access on completion of the northern A29 link between Barnham Road and Fontwell Avenue. This is based on the current modelling work and the timing of other developments sites coming forward within the site allocation.  


The assessment work informing this position will be submitted as part of the planning application and it will be subject to further discussion with West Sussex County Council to ensure the local highway network can continue to operate effectively for the interim period before the full road is delivered. The Southern Consortium is committed to delivering the full length of the road as quickly as possible and is exploring every opportunity to achieve this.   

In relation to health care provision, the NHS Coastal West Sussex Clinical Commissioning Group’s strategy for future health care provision is for the expansion of existing facilities at the Croft Practice in Barnham to meet the primary health care needs from the development. Financial contributions will be provided as part of the legal agreement for the CCG to deliver these facilities.

Financial contributions will be provided towards the development of the new secondary school at Ford in line with Arun District Council’s strategy.

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